anyways, here's how my day goes. woke up damn early(maybe not, haha) in the morning, at 8AM.. and around 9AM, i and my dad went to standard chartered bank to pay my Singapore Poly's fee + withdrawing for laptop. so when the fees are paid, i felt relaxed as another thing is done.
then next place to go is SATA, the clinic for us. but first, fairuz said he is going there too but he don't know how to head there, so we went to pick him up and headed there.
upon reaching SATA, it's arrows we see, picked up queue and immediately started the process. height and weight, urine test, blood pressure test, eye test and X-RAY. well the X-ray is one of the process that is rather funny. the whole X-RAY process took less than 20 seconds which i didn't expect it to be. everything for $22 then fairuz borrowed from me $10.
after the medical checkup. it's another thing DONE. woot. ok then it's spin off to IT SHOW at suntec. and ok, IT'S BLOODY CROWDED. AND THE FLOW IS DAMNNNN SLOW. PISSES ME OFF ALRITE. ok, at least 1pm aint so bad. i and my dad then immediately choing to the acer booth. then a girl named melissa attend to us, harvey norman's promoter.
ok, at first sight i went hmm.. first she asked me if im looking for a gaming laptop. then i said it's for poly use. ok, of cuz a COMPUTER will surely contain ENTERTAINMENT like GAMEs, videos and music. whose dont? then melissa explains how good the laptop is. of cuz, i've decided and look onto that model, she also showed us a few of the free gifts like PRINTER, THUMBDRIVE, COOLER, MOUSE. so my dad then tries to bargain at a cheaper price. my dad said $298 off for us, which means $1700 but that is like CMI. then i asked what about $198 off, then she considers and then my dad says make it cheaper la. she then went to ask the boss and i looked into the WMI of that laptop's windows vista. and the scores are wow, no prob!.
then she came back with some offers for us and they are $1800 without any free gifts, $1850 with 2 gifts and $1900 with everything. OF CUZ WE GO FOR THE $1900. lol. and that's it. purchased! i must thank my dad this time. haha.
ok, then we went to the back to get our stuffs. this is also where a lot of weird switch of lucks came. they told us that THE FREE PRINTER (3-in-1) WAS THE LAST STOCK. it's Epson, my favourite brand for printers. and i felt like omg, are we that lucky? in the first place, i asked my dad if he wants to walk around first before purchasing but since it's totally crowded i think it's best to just buy immediately and we came with this good LAST STOCK free gift. yea, and this printer just came in time to let me photocopy my documents for Singapore Poly, man i can't believe if this is planned. last stock - epson my fav - 3-in-1 - lets me photocopy. see this smooth chain? it's like wooh. then we left the printer alone first and went to walk while im carrying my laptop. STILL no mood to walk and then we head back and get our printer, and off we go home.
small package
i thought it was all well everything is able to use. but somehow some lucks aint stable. while setting up my laptop, i took out the cooler and realized that the USB CABLE IS MISSING. unpacked the printer too and realized that the USB CABLE is separated and needed to buy. at this point of time, i was wondering - is this LUCK + FATE or is this a switch of luck? so, i continued setting up my laptop while telling my dad about it. then he went off to bring my mom to work. and he came back again and to bring me back to suntec to get a proper cooling pad WITH USB CABLE.
of cuz, i went to acer booth to find melissa but to no avail. so i went to the back to the booth to find someone else to ask about it. nevertheless, THERE'S QUITE A LONG QUEUE. i waited and waited and waited. and many rubbish had to be cleared, which means i looked behind and eventually saw melissa. and i told her about the missing cable. she asked, "u rushed here just for this?" then i nodded my head. and she also asked me if i were to choose epson or brother as the brand for printer and i said EPSON! lol.(the place was filled with brother branded printers instead after that last EPSON) everything's fine after she changed a pack for me and the cable's present. cant get the cable for printer though.
while i was trying to squeeze through the crowd, my dad called and asked me to buy a usb cable for the printer. i went OMG. by that time, im already on the first floor and then i have to squeeze back all up and the crowd's even larger at 3pm+. no choice, went back and bought one for $9.90.
oh ya, we also got free bottles of mineral water lol which was requested by my dad. friendly service! must thank her haha.
went home and everything's fixed. TWEAKED my laptop till it's best. 70+ processes became 40 processes. yey.
*wow my heart is crazy. why didnt i try to take pictures of anyone i seen? and can i just say that i have to go back suntec AGAIN is FATE? cuz i wished to see her again lol! im crazy lahh.
smooth + luck + fate + unknowingly + unexpected.
more pics (11AM)