Sunday, October 25, 2009

went out to tampines again at noon to hangout with guanyu, denie, darren and peiwen.
since darren isnt at sea, he wanted to meet us since last week. so there we go...

zhihao called again, from australia. wow, really missing him again. he told me that he will be sailing to Japan today. oh man, one of the country that I'd wish to go.
I told him to learn some japan language and teach me when he get back. then again, I told him I was learning it and then he wanted me to teach him. hahaha. well, truth is everywhere I go, there will surely be japan language all over so it's really best to learn and chuck English aside when it comes to Japanese.

zhihao also told me loads of stuff but the call hung up suddenly and I realized it's that his credit for overseas call has emptied out. =( hoping he will call again.

so, went to popeyes to have lunch and I didn't know there's popeyes in century square. the chicken meat here kinda suck cuz it's really small compared to the ones served at Terminal 1 Airport. after lunch we went to look around - Best Denki and all. then went to meet peiwen.

bought movie tickets for 500 Days of Summer and we watched it at 3:15pm. nice movie I must say - more towards the question of whether "Is there even such thing as love?"

after movie was almost evening, went up to Tampines 1 rooftop and played with my camera - to take group photos and sceneries.


another topic.

I told myself that if I wanna find a girlfriend, I will never find someone who :
  • has too many friends.
  • studies in polytechnic. (freaking fail attitudes and unreal bunch)
  • uses Failbook or Friendster too much.
most likely these are the three major points.