Friday, July 2, 2010

OOP is screwed

so I was doing the self-test 7 of the OOP module which is the chapter on Inheritance and Polymorphism.

the worse outcome was the maximum marks I could get is 70 and I couldn't get past that. I even got 40 marks - unbelivable shit.

I have managed to complete the practical 7 without much hassle cause creating subclasses is as simple as using the keyword 'extends'. the only thing is I probably did not understand much of overriding and overloading. damn theory.

another thing is the CONCEPT PAPER for our miniproject. we are supposed to generate our own idea and write a program based on our idea. I wouldn't mind that really BUT the problem is that on the concept paper, we were asked on how do I intend to charge/generate revenue from the project? what does that actually means? to me and because of that, I am unable to generate much ideas cause I am not a business-minded person, for fuck sake..

practically it's do-able but what the hell.. what kind of retarded commercial aspects are we supposed to write about? ohman, oh well.