so today afternoon, im so happy to receive a call from zhihao and asking if i wanna play badminton. i went o.O~~
"at least it became a NO for my question, =)"
so at 6pm, me, zhihao, guanyu and hafiz came for the badminton.. so, we just played as normal but then i thought of birthday bash.. it went into a rofl situation. zhihao was making fun of me then i used the shuttlecock to "BASH" him.. then he bashed me back again. it's really =.=' . then after a while i almost got hit by the shuttlecock again and this time by guanyu.. he shot the shuttlecock ONTO my hair.. "shaving" it.. (yea, missed my forehead).
then we went for dinner. and after dinner, again zhihao wanted to take me as a passenger on the bicycle.. as he rode guanyu's bicycle to play badminton.. well of cuz then i will need to cycle it back to guanyu's house. all i can say after 4 years of friends, we were like brothers... yea..
by the way, thanks to all who wrote for me testimonial on friendster and send me sms to wish me happy birthday. ! though it wasn't that many friends did, but i don't care as long as the good and thoughtful friends did wish me, it's enough.. =D
yea, and in the family, only my 2nd brother wished me. lol.