Wednesday, June 16, 2010

dreams once again and project work?

my dreams are back once again - possibly caused by some events that are gonna happen soon enough or maybe it's the fatigue, I don't know. but I do know that those most current dreams have people that I know of and they are pretty small group so it's easily identified.

I do hope for more dreams as always as it's one of my companion during sleep. obviously the phrase 'companion during sleep' is used cause companions IRL is so FUCKING hard to find. whatever!

second day of project work and it seems like I've ran out of stuff to do. the VI SDK book is giving me a bit of headache at the end of the day.
these thoughts suddenly came through my mind "So, how am I gonna implement this to the web browser?" and "What are the programs that I need to create?"

everything is literally copied from the book, I can learn the program by debugging it using my brain but I won't be able to understand as all the classes and methods are mostly pre-defined. damn java lol.

well I can't find any much more things to do for wednesday. hopefully there will be some enlightenment.