sad means to say that Lun have the memories with XiaoYu but XiaoYu didn't have those memories with Lun.
happy means to say that they both are together and are happily in a relationship..
In the first place, did Xiaoyu faint or died from asthma attack? This part sounds so fishy, however from what Lun's dad say: "这是我们最后一次的合照", all i can say is Xiaoyu died and not fainted.. sad.
all the fault is where Lun passed the note to the wrong person since Xiaoyu isn't appeared to anyone else except Lun.
Heartbroken to the extreme -> asthma attack -> die for nothing.. wth
EDIT: ok more of what i can say ~ at the most end of the show(the graduation ceremony part), IF ONLY LUN did not wear that bracelet, things would have gone different. since Xiaoyu specially came to the year 99 to listen to what Lun have to offer on the piano - making sure she can calm herself down, but yet she got all the wrong thoughts easily (胡思乱想的女学生) after she saw the bracelet on Lun's wrist.
sigh, im really wondering how the ending would be like if the bracelet wasn't on. but if i am to say, xiaoyu would wait in the classroom for Lun to come back and the 3 words would surely be expressed romantically.. hahahha. + all the comforting and hugs. =D

Liked both the main leads but i preferred Xiaoyu.. she really outshines in this movie and so high rate of attractiveness. well, comparing her to real life, she looks below 20 in this movie ! her smiles and all is like wow, she really has the personality.