Sunday, October 16, 2011

Updated to iOS5

I have updated my iPhone to iOS5 with redsn0w tethered jailbreak yesterday. This entry dedicates to my comments, both complaints and also the love of it.

First of all I have to say that FINALLY they fixed the damn springboard bug like touching a folder and you have to wait some microseconds before the springboard splits and opens up the folder. They fixed that probably due to Newsstand (lol). Yes, Apple I am LOLing at you.

This is what sucks about Apple, if there is any single bug that exists in the iOS, one have to wait for a 'major' update or a 'minor' which usually does nothing.. just like 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 where jailbreakers can get those vulnerabilities closed from Cydia on 4.3.3. Ugh, they and their "if it works, make it sell" kind of slogan.

Anyways, like I said I always loved Android's notification window and they call it notification center in iOS. Installing all sorts of widgets after jailbreaking is definitely the best thing to do. System Info, Battery info, power controls all with a swipe down at the status bar. What I need now is a time and date widget now.. if only I know all about iOS programming, I could have done it myself (just why am I not doing it if I have the expertise??)..

I've tried the Reminders app, pretty fail because it just lack too much. Unlike Things app where one can set recurring event which suits my lifestyle.